Becoming a Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners portfolio company
Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners is always open to considering equity investment submissions from entrepreneurial companies with great business models that meet our strict investment criteria.
As the relationship we form with equity investment organisations is based on partnership (not simply providing funding), we are only interested in working with entrepreneurs and founders who are passionate, dedicated and highly focused, and also have the capacity to work cooperatively with others offering complementary skill sets.
If your company and management team fits this brief, and you are interested in becoming a Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners portfolio company, please initially provide us with an executive summary that includes the following details:
Product or Service
- An overview of your product or service.
- What makes it better/different/unique compared to competitors, and what are the products or services offered by your competitors?
- What problem does your product or service solve?
Business and Marketing Strategy
- Provide an overview of the strategic and tactical plan you have developed to reach your target market, including a summary of that market.
- How many potential customers are there for your product or service, and what is the total annual revenue of that market?
- At what rate is this market growing?
- Who are the competitors to your product and service and why do you think you can capture market share from them?
Management Overview
- Provide a short bio of your company’s foundation members and management team.
- What experience do they have in your company’s industry sector?
- Has your management team had previous business operations experience including profit and loss responsibility?
Current Financial Statements and Projections
- Provide a summary of your three year pro forma financial statements.
- What level of capital has been raised so far, and from whom?
- What amount of capital are you seeking, and for what purpose will it be used.
Please email your executive summary to Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners. We will provide you with an acknowledgement of receipt and then respond more extensively within two to four weeks.
Please note that at this initial enquiry stage we are looking for top-line information that does not require the signing of confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements. We will complete these formalities once we confirm an ongoing interest in your company. Nevertheless, any material you provide us will be treated with utmost privacy and never shared outside the Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners team without prior permission.
We look forward to hearing from you and the possibility of helping you build a successful and profitable enterprise.