Wealth Management

Tailored and comprehensive wealth management services

At Markiewicz & Co., our individual wealth planning strategies are just that: Individual. When you become one of our clients we start the process of talking and listening. And that process continues for however long you entrust us to grow and preserve your wealth.

The better we understand your current financial situation and your future plans, the better we are able to help you work toward your financial goals. And as your circumstances, requirements, expectations or goals change, we will modify our strategies accordingly. Likewise, we are always proactive and will keep you informed of changes in market conditions, or rules and regulations, and draw on resources such as our Nextrend research methodology to identify new opportunities to grow your wealth.

Bespoke solutions, crafted to fit your needs

As a Markiewicz & Co. client you can be confident that our wealth management and financial planning solutions will support your needs, goals and objectives. For example, you may have assets spread across different jurisdictions and need to restructure your investments, or you might wish to leverage your existing portfolio to build greater wealth for retirement. Perhaps you require professional advice about estate planning or a philanthropic endeavour, or maybe you are seeking expert advice regarding sophisticated high-level investor programs.

Experienced advisers, managing your wealth with foresight and prudence

Whatever your current situation and future needs, Markiewicz & Co. utilises a holistic advisory process to develop wealth management solutions that match your specific priorities. Our advisers are highly qualified, technically skilled and able to draw upon our substantial in-house resources. When required, they also work in partnership with carefully chosen external specialists.

Some of our wealth management and planning services include:

Wealth planning
Developing a personal wealth management strategy based on a detailed overview of your asset portfolio.

Managing cash flow
Analysing your current cash flow and debt profile to develop a strategy for generating sufficient cash flows into the future.

Retirement planning
Planning, building and securing the wealth you need to live well in retirement.

Estate and succession planning
Providing for the future needs of your family and loved ones and ensuring the orderly management and transmission of wealth.

Relocation planning
Understanding and managing the impacts of relocating to another country.

Management of structures
Wealth management and financial planning for business owners and their families.

Risk planning
Protecting your income, investments and wealth from the financial impacts of an unexpected event.

Using your wealth to build a legacy or transform the lives of others.

Like to know more?

To find out more about Markiewicz & Co.’s wealth management and planning services, or to contact an adviser, please call us on 1300 276 112 or email us.

Contact us

To find out more about Markiewicz & Co's services, or to contact an adviser, please call us on 1300 276 112 or fill out the form below.