Current investments

Canva: Web-based collaborative design
Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners has invested in the vision, experience and proven technologies that have been brought together by the team behind online startup, Canva.
Building on the success achieved by its founders through Fusion Books – an online design system that has propelled them to become the largest school yearbook provider in Australia which is now making significant inroads in both France and New Zealand – Canva is a remarkably simple web-based, collaborative design tool that enables amateurs to easily create professional quality designs. Combining online tools and a large library of pre-sliced images, Canva makes it easy to create almost any design from a Facebook timeline to a small business brochure without having to outsource to a designer, use a restrictive template or spend years learning how to use complex design tools.

Sajari: Amplified semantic search
The technology start-up, Sajari, is a great example of the types of investment opportunities being sought by Markiewicz & Co. Capital Partners.
Based on macro trends in the field of search that provide opportunities for long-term growth, Sajari is a cloud-based search application designed to quickly retrieve highly contextual information from huge volumes of unstructured text and documents. Providing a substantially new approach to information searching, Sajari has the potential to fundamentally change the way people approach the discovery process.
Markiewicz & Co. Captial Partners has assisted Sajari with capital raising and provided board-level support to assist the company move beyond inception to value creation and profitability.